Rebranding Your Product: 15 Questions to Get You Started
Author: External Author | | Categories: 2 in one uses , ATM & POS Solutions , ATM Supply , audio buds , backpacks , Bank Equipment , Bank Supplies , bead gel packs , black , block unauthorized users , bluetooth , caribiner , cellphone holder waterproof , Cheque Supplies , chip protection , Coin Box , Coin Box - Dimes , Coin Box - Toonies , Coin Boxes & Wraps , Coin Cartridges , Coin Supplies , Coin Wrappers , Currency Solutions , Currency Supplies & Detectors , ecosmart , expand for food or water and collapse , GIVEAWAYS , hot packs , , new light up logo , Nickel Coin Cartridge , Office Supplies & Detectors , popular size and convenience , POS BOND & THERMAL , sanitizer , shoe bags , speaker , straw , stylus plus pen , SWAG Hub , TECH , TECH PRODUCTS , tradeshow bags , tradeshow items , Tubular Coin Wraps - Loonies , Tubular Coin Wraps - Toonies , unique light up
Rebranding your product takes time and money, 2 things often in short supply in a business. Moreover, rebranding may piss off your existing market. Consider the case Starbucks when they simply changed its logo to remove the brand name. The backlash was intense. Rebranding, regardless of the extent of change envisioned, is a big decision and not one you should take lightly. When you do implement your rebrand, do it properly. Rebranding is a minefield! But, sometimes, its the right decision for the health of the brand in the long-run.
Original Article Source Credits: Business2community ,
Article Written By : Angela Hausman, PhD
Original Article Posted on : July 13, 2020
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